Robbie Prosinecki
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From Crvena Zvezda to Portsmouth...

The Unoffical Fan Site of Robert Prosinecki

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When someone asks you what you think of when they say Robert Prosinecki what goes through your mind? The Hat trick against Barnsley the fab freekicks against Crystal Palace etc. Well on my site dedicated to Robbie I'll include everything I know about Portsmouth FC superstar. I will write about topics like where the great man was born and previous clubs etc.

On this site, I will include some information that was given to me about  the Pompey failthful. I will also talk about why he is such a great skillful footballer and why we want Prossi to say at the ever growing  footie team Pompey. Portsmouth comes into peoples head as a naval city with lots of history. Well in my mind Pompey is a place were people can go look at the historic flagships and the footie team plays in big part in my life! I think about Pompey FC all hours of the day (mostly in Mrs Aston's Geography lession, if anyone knows her please don't tell her)! I think of the great times that are coming!


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Play up Pompey! Come on you blues come on lets get our dream we have had for years, lets get promtion to the Premiership and get our new Stadium! And I believe that we can do this dream! Come on lets all group together when times are bad and get our dream! I know we can do it!

Play up Pompey!!!!!