Robbie Prosinecki
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 My View on 2001 

My view on 2001 on a whole is very different to what others personnally think. Any good things have happened and also many bad things have happened.

Portsmouth, England

Good Things:-
Signing Robert Prosinecki, Yoshi Kawaguchi, Carl Tiler, Neil Barrett, Courtney Pitt, Peter Crouch, Mark Burchill. All these players were very cheap considering they are all Premiership class players. Also good things happened like bringing Harry Redknapp to become director of football, Graham Rix and all his staff. The position we were in at the start of the season considering the poor loss of young our goalkeeper.


Bad Things:-
Lossing Aaron Flahavan in car crash near Bournemouth. Flav was Pompey's number 1 goalkeeper and everybody was looking forward to see him in goal. The Sacking of Steve Claridge. Lossing to Crystal Palace at Fratton so we had to win on the last day of the season. Chairman considering future. Rix under pressure in later stages of the year. Team not performing aswell as they should be. Lossing Mark Burchill and Lee Bradbury for 1 year.